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Shane Kuswara


Casual employee at JB Hi-Fi. JB, you’ve done it again!

A side note, I am well aware that the catch phrase for JB Hi-Fi is identical to a food company McCain. When I’m on hold to the managers, I hear the man talk about JB products and whatever, and the phrase gets repeated all the time. Reminds me of chicken.

McCain, you’ve done it again! JB, you’ve done it again!

Interests in Game Design

You get to a stage where you’re playing any number of games at any one time, and you think, why not get paid for it?

But all jokes aside, I have loved gaming since I can remember; that being the NES version of Super Mario. I was so gun at it too.

Gaming History

I’ve had a bit of experience with programming with GameMaker 2o04, which is basically a sprite based game creation kit. I’ve had 2 years  with OpenGL and Java, as well as3D modelling with 3Ds Max. Most of my work falls under Adobe Photoshop, which I have used for a long number of years, in school and at home, creating signatures for websites, as well as layouts for some websites.

Preferred Genre of Games

I used to be all about RPG’s, because I used to be interested in playing games with an epic storyline and combat system to boot. But ever since roughly the era of Final Fantasy 10 (which is very lenient on my behalf, FFX wasn’t the best RPG in the world), I have been experimenting more with First Person Shooters and Massively Multiplayer Online games.

Role in Zero Shot

Creating the main ship model, presentation, the cutscene for Fiona’s 3D class and all the small details of documentation like the excel spreadsheet and blog are handled by me.

Kris Watts


I am currently not working, instead I spend most of my time researching game developlment and programming. I am also currently looking for work.’

Gaming History

I spent alot of time using RPG maker when I was a school, and also made a Tron like game in Visual Basic. After Starting my course I have made a series of demos of games. I can Program in Java, C++ and ActionScript.

Role in Development

I have done the majority of the programming for Zero Shot, and made the textures for the models. I’ve also done the optimisation for the models we have made for the game, as to allow them to better work in the engine.