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Author Archives: eraofshamus

The demo is now live!

You can play Zero Shot at the moment and score big 🙂 try and beat your friends’ high scores as you progress through the game.

Thanks for all your support guys, you’ve all been very patient. Follow this link to play our game:

Here is an example of our interface.

This is a basic view of what all players will see when they play our game.

The menu:

The Game:

Soon there will be a playable demo for you guys to enjoy. So just keep bunkering down for that!

Thanks for all your time guys, really appreciate the effort.

Here’s what you’ve all been waiting for:

The first smell of the cutscene!

It’ll need to be finished by the end of the allotted time obviously. There are a few more scene’s in the works, so be patient and it will be rewarded 🙂

It’s basically the first or second shot, before or after the mothership is introduced. Basically, I made it for giggles.

BEWARE: Mothership Approaching!

 This is the finished model of the mothership. It’s ready to be put into our game and into the cutscene as well.

It spins too. How exciting!

Here we have the background for the game.

A little trick we implemented, was to import a cylindrical object with the space texture on the inside into C++. Then, rotate it slowly over time.

This gives the effect that the player is actually moving forward as they fly through space, but in actual fact the model only moves left to right.

Go team!

We’ve developed a few in game graphics which we can proudly present to you guys.

Zero Shot Logo

The first is the abbreviated logo of Zero Shot, which will be on one wing tip of the ship in game. I still like the longer logo for promoting the game as well as in all the images, so that will stay. 

Human Forces Logo

The second is the logo for the Earth forces. I took inspiration from the design of the Marvel Superhero defense force Strategic Hazard Intervention, Espionage Logisitics Division, otherwise known as S.H.I.E.L.D. I can upload this image later for comparitive reasons, but for now, you can look at (personally) our  improved version.

Weapon – Laser

Lastly is the laser which will be one of the main weapons in game. It can be replicated into a stream, if we decide to implement rapid fire. Otherwise, and at the moment, the laser will be a single fire weapon. Blue is default at the moment.

I hope you like these preliminary artworks!

Next week you should be seeing a video of all our models on display, so look forward to next weeks update.


As you can see, this is the updated model of the Mothership. We found that the previous model seemed too cylindrical (considering it was modelled by a cylinder, it was no wonder).

The new model above is box modelled, with its edges drawn out and shaped in a circle. It looks much better in all honesty in comparison to the older model.

All thats left is to give it a UVW and let the good times roll. On a side note, this is a model for the game. There will be a higher res model for the cutscene to be created in the following weeks.

Stay tuned!

Mothership – Stage 1

This is the prototype model for the mothership. There are still 3 more legs to be attached and maybe a remodel of the body is in order, but basically you can think of it like a giant crab which floats in the expanse of space.

This is an excerpt taken straight from our design document given to our clients.

I hope you enjoy it as much as they did!

Zero Shot is a vertically-scrolling, bottom-to-top shooter which follows the protagonist, Zack Hargreaves. He fights against the Vagrant, an enemy race focused on expanding their rapidly growing colony. The character will progress through the story, while being able to discover information about the first war with the Vagrant and Zack’s past.As the story progresses, Zack will discover that alien technology can be integrated into his ship, Zero Shot. With the “Shrapnel System”, a device which upgrades the player’s current weapon, Zack readies himself to fight the oncoming waves of Vagrant forces, hell-bent on stopping him from achieving his revenge.Zack has a supporting cast of Non-Playable Characters (NPC), who help him as he travels. They offer advice and support, as well as abuse and rivalries.
More to come!


These are the first images that were drawn by our Art Director.

As you can see, they are quite basic drawings of the ship we will potentially be using for the majority of  our game.

In the next week or so, hopefully we will be getting some reference planes of the actual ship.

More to come!